Monday, December 15, 2014

Pope Francis to media: People are more valuable than 'hits'

Catholics working in media would do well to remember that communications is about informing people – not collecting “hits,” Pope Francis told representatives from the Italian station TV2000.

Journalists, editors, and technicians from TV2000, the Italian Bishops' Conference broadcasting station, met with the Pope in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall on Dec. 15.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Healing and hope: Newtown's Catholic parish two years after shooting

It was two years ago that Monsignor Robert Weiss rushed to the scene of the Sandy Hook elementary shooting, where nine of his littlest parishioners lost their lives, along with 11 of their schoolmates and six staff members.

No such thing as gloomy-faced saints, Pope Francis says

Christian joy is borne out of nearness to Christ, said Pope Francis during his Angelus address for the third Sunday of Advent, adding that “gloomy-faced” saints are a contradiction.

Friday, December 12, 2014

'Every five minutes, a Christian dies in the Middle East'

Fr. Gabriel Nadaf is a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church. He lives in Nazareth and faces death threats for publicizing the state of Christians in the Middle East.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, the great missionary who protects her people

Pope Francis praised Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday as “a great missionary” who brought the faith to Latin America, as he called on Christians to see her prayers as an introduction to the Beatitudes and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sister Cristina gives Pope Francis a copy of her new album

Sister Cristina Scuccia, the Ursuline religious who won The Voice Italy earlier this year, greeted Pope Francis on Wednesday and gave him a copy of her new album, "Sister Cristina."

The encounter took place at the conclusion of the Holy Father's General Audience in St. Peter's

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Pope: Missing something in your spiritual life? It's probably love

In his daily homily Pope Francis said that God’s love is always expressed in tenderness, and cautioned that if we haven’t experienced this, then something is missing in our relationship with the Lord.

“The grace of God is another matter: it is closeness, it is tenderness. This rule is always valid,” the Pope told those present in the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse for his Dec. 11 daily Mass.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Vatican sends questionnaire for 2015 family synod

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- To help set the agenda for the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family, the Vatican is sending the world's Catholic bishops' conferences a list of questions on a range of topics, including matters of marriage and sexuality that proved especially controversial at the 2014 family synod.
Together with the final report of the 2014 assembly, the 46 questions published by the Vatican Dec. 9 comprise a preparatory document, known as a "lineamenta," for the Oct. 4-25 synod, which will have the theme: "The vocation and mission of the family in the church

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The request of a retired pope – simply call me 'Father Benedict'

Rather than being called by his papal name “Benedict XVI,” the retired pontiff revealed that since his retirement he has wanted to return to his original priestly title and be called simply “Father Benedict.”

Father Benedict made his comments in a private conversation with journalist Jorg Bremer, who published bits of them in a Dec. 7 article for German newspaper F.A.Z.

What makes the Church happy? Seeking lost sheep, Pope says

Like a shepherd finding lost sheep, the Church is a joyful mother who goes out and seeks her lost children, inviting them to consolation of the tenderness of Jesus, said Pope Francis in his daily homily Tuesday.

Monday, December 8, 2014

For Francis, Mary teaches us to share with others the graces we receive

In his Angelus address for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Monday, Pope Francis said because everything we have received is “a gift freely given by God,” we too must “become a gift for others.”

Dominican bishops to lawmakers: Reject president's abortion measure

Stressing the right to life recognized in the Dominican Constitution, the bishops of the Dominican Republic called the country's lawmakers to oppose a measure that would legalize abortion in the country.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

'I'm not worried' about resistance, Pope Francis says in new interview

In an interview with the Argentine daily “La Nacion” published Sunday, Pope Francis spoke on a variety of topics, giving specific attention to the ongoing reform of the Roman Curia, and some of the resistance he’s facing.

Advent meditations for Pope delve into meaning of peace

Papal preacher Father Raniero Cantalamessa gave his first advent homily to Pope Francis, touching on the biblical meaning of the word peace – both as a gift from God and a longing of the human heart.

Pope Francis decries persecution of Iraqi Christians in video message

In a video message delivered to the displaced Iraqi Christians on Saturday, Pope Francis decried the suffering experienced by those persecuted for their faith, while expressing his gratitude for their witness.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Pope: the 'feminine genius' takes on theology's uncharted territory

In an address given to theologians, Pope Francis praised the increasing presence of women in the field, saying that their femininity has the capacity to delve deeper into the mystery of Christ.

“I would like to note the significant and greater presence of women; a presence which becomes an

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Protect us – One archbishop's plea as Nigeria elections loom

As Nigeria's general elections draw near, the archbishop of the central city of Jos warned candidates not to put political agendas over people's safety and urged more rapid solutions to Boko Haram violence.

Pope Francis praises the 'hidden holiness' of everyday saints

Pope Francis cautioned against the false appearances of those who are proud or vain, saying that true holiness is found in the silent, everyday witness of the poor and humble.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Manila declares five-day holiday for Pope Francis' upcoming visit

In an executive order, the mayor of Manila has declared a five-day, non-working holiday for Pope Francis’ Jan. 15-19 visit – a decision the Philippine government is considering on a national level.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Church is about Christ – not an NGO, Pope tells Swiss bishops

In an address to the Swiss bishops on Monday, Pope Francis urged them maintain a lively faith, lest their country’s religious buildings become nothing more than dust-filled museums.

The Holy Father also used the opportunity to encourage the bishops to live their episcopal

Pope: Knowledge alone doesn't reveal God; humble prayer does


In his homily on Tuesday, Pope Francis said that no matter how much we study, we will never know anything about God unless we speak to him humbly like children.

“Many may know science (and) theology well, so many! But if they do not do this theology on their

Monday, December 1, 2014

Pope Francis speaks up on synod process – 'it isn't over'

In keeping with his usual tradition on papal trips, Pope Francis held an in-flight press conference on his way back to Rome, in which he opened up about the debate surrounding last month’s Synod of Bishops.